Beach Carts Make Your Outdoor Adventures More Enjoyable
Beach carts easily carry all your outdoor gear like coolers, umbrellas, picnic blankets, and fishing rods, reducing multiple trips. Made of sturdy materials, they’re rust-resistant and perfect for beach outings, fishing, camping, and gardening.
Don’t struggle with heavy loads on your beach trips anymore! Our beach cart effortlessly carries coolers, umbrellas, picnic blankets, and more, making transportation a breeze.
With solid wheels designed for beach terrain, our cart glides over obstacles and navigates sand, mud, grass, and bumpy paths with ease. No more getting stuck or making noise!
Made of heavy-duty steel with a rust-resistant coating, our beach cart withstands beach conditions like seawater and sand erosion, ensuring long-lasting durability without deformation.
Fold and rotate the deck 90° for easy storage in your home or car trunk without taking up too much space.
Additional information
Weight | 2.52 lbs |
brand | VEVOR |
UPC | 197988204039 |
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